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Products recommended by dr. julie gatza
Dr. Julie Gatza
See what one of the nation’s top physicians with more than 29 years of clinical experience & a highly popular speaker, currently heard on radio programs around the country has to say about AbsorbAid…
Kolorex advanced candida care
“Curb sugar-hungry Candida with yeast fighting herbs (Kolorex)…take 1 capsule for 30 days & it actually helps to break the membrane of the yeast and the Candida & it starts to get rid of the excess & puts normal (microflora) balance back into the digestive system. It is the easiest, fastest thing I’ve seen in the 29 years of being a doctor to really handle this”
Dr. Julie Gatza, co-founder of the Florida Wellness Institute talks to GOOD MORNING ARIZONA about AbsorbAid Digestive Enzymes & the effects of stress on our immune system (video below)
Support for your health needs
Here at Nature's Sources we believe that nature knows best, and that's why we spend so much time finding natures' very best ingredients to give you relief
AbsorbAid Reviews
Boston MA
Clear Water FL
Will buy again..."
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Chicago IL
Kolorex Reviews
Denver CO
Los Angeles CA
New York NY
San Francisco CA
With so many supplement companies, why choose us?
Sold in over 8,000 retails stores worldwide
We have over 60 years of experience combined
There have been over 300,000 lives changed
70,000,000 affected
up to 70 million Americans are affected by digestive diseases, according to the National Institute of Health
not feeling well
symptoms can include bloating, gas, nausea, constipation, diarrhea or feeling overly tired after eating
dr. recommended
Dr. Julie Gatza & Dr. David Magnano have publicly endorsed AbsorbAid as the top Digestive Enzyme formula available today
tested & proven
tested by the Mayo Clinic & Roche Laboratories and written about in the New England Journal of Medicine & American College of Nutrition